


extends Interval
used by LowEmissionZoneEvent
since 2.3

One or more segments of time specified by a GDF time domain string.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
timeDomain String yes - 2.3 Intervals in GDF time domain format. The string must be a valid time domain such as [(Starting Date){Time duration}], i.e. [(y2016M2h10){h2}] is interpreted as intervals on each day of february 2016 from 10am until 12am. For more details please have a look at the technical concept GDF time domains.

Interval (abstract)

extended by GDFTimeDomain, StartDurationInterval, StartEndInterval
used by TourStopOptions, BreakInterval, Driver, Site
since 2.1

Abstract base type for intervals.

No fields defined.


extends Interval
since 2.1

A segment of time specified by a start time and a duration.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
start XMLGregorianCalendar yes - 2.1 The beginning of the time interval.
duration Duration (double) yes - 2.1 The duration of the interval.

A segment of time specified by two points in time - the beginning and the end of the interval.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
start XMLGregorianCalendar yes - 2.1 The beginning of the time interval.
end XMLGregorianCalendar yes - 2.1 The end of the time interval.

