


used by SearchSpaceBounds, MapResponse, MapSectionByBounds
since 2.0

Boundaries are used for defining the minimal boundary rectangle of a geographical object. It contains the minimum and maximum values for x and y dimension.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
minX double yes - 2.0 Minimum value for x dimension. The numerical value has to be less than or equal to maxX.
maxX double yes - 2.0 Maximum value for x dimension. The numerical value has to be greater than or equal to minX.
minY double yes - 2.0 Minimum value for y dimension. The numerical value has to be less than or equal to maxY.
maxY double yes - 2.0 Maximum value for y dimension. The numerical value has to be greater than or equal to minY.

A coordinate is defined by its x and y values, specifying the geographical point in a two-dimensional coordinate system, and its z-value, specifying the elevation.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
x double yes - 2.0 The value in x-direction (west to east), longitude for WGS84.
y double yes - 2.0 The value in y-direction (south to north), latitude for WGS84.
z Double no - 2.0 The elevation value. In responses such as RouteResponse.polyline the z-coordinate is available only on request.

An EncodedGeometry contains one or more representations of the same Geometry which can be selected for each request by GeometryOptions.responseGeometryTypes. If z-coordinates have to be represented WKB and WKT are used in an extended form as described by OpenGIS document 99-402r2. If EncodedGeometry is used as input parameter and several representations are present only the first representation of this ordered list is taken into account: plain, wkb, wkt, kml, geoJSON.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
plain Geometry no - 2.0 The plain representation of the geometry using structured objects.
wkb byte[] no - 2.0 The WKB (well-known binary) representation of the geometry
wkt String no - 2.0 The WKT (well-known text) representation of the geometry.
kml KML no - 2.0 The KML (keyhole markup language) representation of the geometry. Coordinates are always present in WGS84 (EPSG:4326).
geoJSON String no - 2.0 The GeoJSON representation of the geometry. Coordinates are always present in WGS84 (EPSG:4326).

Geometry (abstract)

extended by GeometryCollection, Polygon, Polyline
used by EncodedGeometry, GeometryCollection
since 2.0

Geometry objects consist of (multi-dimensional) arrays of coordinate points

No fields defined.


extends Geometry
since 2.0

A GeometryCollection is a geometry that is a collection of one or more geometries. All the elements in a GeometryCollection must be in the same spatial reference. This is also the reference for the GeometryCollection. GeometryCollection places no other constraints on its elements.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
geometries Geometry[] 0..* - 2.0 a geometry collection consists of a set of geometries


used by EncodedGeometry
since 2.0

Represents a KML geometry.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
kml String yes - 2.0 the kml string itself
placemarks String[] 0..* - 2.0 The placemarks of the KML. If empty, all placemarks will be used. This will result in a GeometryCollection, if more than one exists.


extends Geometry
since 2.0

A polygon is a planar two-dimensional geometric object, defined by one exterior boundary and zero or more interior boundaries. Each interior boundary defines a hole in the polygon.


  1. Polygons are topologically closed.
  2. The boundary of a polygon consists of a set of linear rings that make up its exterior and interior boundaries.
  3. No two rings in the boundary cross, they may intersect at a point but only as a tangent.
  4. A polygon may not have cut lines, spikes or punctures.
  5. The interior of every polygon is a connected coint set.
  6. The exterior of a polygon with one or more holes is not connected. Each hole defines a connected component of the exterior.

(Open GIS Standard)

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
polygonRings Polyline[] 0..* - 2.0 A polygon consists of a set of linear rings (polylines that are simple and closed). The first ring specifies the shell of the polygon, all other rings specify holes.


extends Geometry
used by Polygon
since 2.0

A polyline is a one-dimensional geometric object (sequence of points) with linear interpolation between points. Each consecutive pair of points defines a line segment. (Open GIS Standard) A linear ring is a polyline that is both closed and simple (no intersections allowed).

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
polyline Coordinate[] 0..* - 2.0 A Polyline consists of at least two points, it is closed if first and last coordinate are equal.


used by GeometryOptions
since 2.0

Defines the encoding of response geometries.

Enumeration Value Since Description
PLAIN 2.0 Response geometries shall be encoded using structured objects.
WKB 2.0 Response geometries shall be encoded in WKB.
WKT 2.0 Response geometries shall be encoded in WKT.
KML 2.0 Response geometries shall be encoded in KML.
GEOJSON 2.0 Response geometries shall be encoded in GeoJSON.

