


used by MapSegment, Segment
since 2.0

Attributes which describe the combined transport properties of the segment in detail.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
name String yes - 2.0 The name of the combined transport as provided by the data provider. Usually the connection has an ID. In rare cases combined transports without ID could exist. In such cases the field is missing.
Note: The names of the start location and the destination location do not have to match with the name of the combined transport. In such cases the combined transport name may refer to a roundtrip with one or more intermediate stops. However, this segment only encodes for the part between the start location and the destination location.
type CombinedTransportType yes - 2.0 The type of combined transport. If this information is missing in the digital map the field UnspecifiedMapDataLimitation is generated and the field is set to BOAT (see CombinedTransportType).
duration Duration (Double) no - 2.33 The approximated duration of the combined transport including boarding times at start and destination.
start CombinedTransportLocation no - 2.33 The start location of the combined transport.
destination CombinedTransportLocation no - 2.33 The destination location of the combined transport.
permissions CombinedTransportPermissions no - 2.33 Specifies which vehicles may use this combined transport.


used by CombinedTransportAttributes
since 2.33

Describes a combined transport location.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
name String no - 2.33 The name of the combined transport location in the domestic language. It is usually the district in which the coordinate is situated in.
country CountryCode (String) no - 2.33 The country in which this location is situated in.
coordinate Coordinate no - 2.33 The coordinate of this location.


used by CombinedTransportAttributes
since 2.33

Specifies which vehicles may use this combined transport.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
cars Boolean no - 2.33 States whether the combined transport is allowed for cars.
vans Boolean no - 2.33 States whether the combined transport is allowed for vans.
trucks Boolean no - 2.33 States whether the combined transport is allowed for trucks.


used by SegmentAttributes
since 2.3

Contains the features of a Feature Layer theme valid for the segment in question.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
themeId ThemeId (String) yes - 2.3 The ID of the Feature Layer theme to which this feature belongs to.
attributes KeyValuePair[] 0..* - 2.3 The list of attributes of a segment. For each attribute its type (key) and value is provided via key-value pairs. See the documentation of the layer-specific attributes for more information on the type and the range of available attributes.


used by SegmentAttributes
since 2.0

Legal and physical attributes which describe the road segment in detail.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
prohibited boolean yes - 2.0 This segment is usually prohibited for the selected vehicle.
toll boolean yes - 2.0 The segment is part of a toll road. This attribute does not reflect the specific toll pricing conditions, so it is not guaranteed that the selected vehicle has to pay toll for this segment.
urban boolean yes - 2.0 The segment is within an urban, i.e. built-up area. It can be avoided or prohibited during route calculation using the parameter SpecialAreas.urbanPenalty.
residentsOnly boolean yes - 2.0 The segment is within a residents only area. It can be avoided, or prohibited during route calculation using the parameters SpecialAreas.residentsOnlyPenalty.
pedestrianZone boolean yes - 2.0 The segment is within a pedestrian zone. To open, avoid, or block it during route calculation see attribute prohibited.
oneWay boolean yes - 2.0 The segment is a one-way street.
roundabout boolean yes - 2.0 The segment is part of a roundabout.
ramp boolean yes - 2.0 The segment is part of a ramp. It can be avoided or prohibited during route calculation using the parameter Network.rampPenalty.
bridge boolean yes - 2.0 The segment is a bridge.
tunnel boolean yes - 2.0 The segment is a tunnel.
deliveryOnly boolean yes - 2.0 The segment is in a delivery only area. It can be allowed, avoided, or prohibited during route calculation using the parameters SpecialAreas.deliveryOnlyPenalty and LegalCondition.isDelivery.
allowedForEmergency boolean yes - 2.0 The segment is allowed for emergency vehicles (see LegalCondition.isEmergency).
lowEmissionZoneType String no - 2.0 The low-emission zone types from the base map that the selected vehicle must have to travel this segment. It can be opened, avoided, or prohibited during route calculation using the parameters SpecialAreas.forbiddenLowEmissionZonePenalty and Engine.lowEmissionZoneTypes. The available types can be requested through the operation getDataInformation in the xRuntime service (Feature Layer theme 'PTV_LowEmissionZones', profile property 'unauthorizedType'), e.g. DE_GREEN, DE_YELLOW, DE_RED for Germany.
seasonallyClosed Boolean no - 2.31 The segment is part of seasonal road closure. It can be avoided, or prohibited during route calculation using the parameters SpecialAreas.seasonalClosurePenalty.


used by Segment
since 2.0

The attributes of the underlying segments.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
descriptors SegmentDescriptors no - 2.0 Attributes which basically describe the segment such as road name and number.
roadAttributes RoadAttributes no - 2.0 Legal and physical attributes of the segment such as toll, one-way, or tunnels.
features Feature[] 0..* - 2.3 The features of all enabled Feature Layer themes related to this segment, if requested by SegmentResultFields.featureThemeIds.


used by SegmentAttributes, MapSegment
since 2.0

Attributes which basically describe the segment such as road name and number.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
country CountryCode (String) yes - 2.0 The country the segment is located in. If this segment represents a combined transport, it is the country of its start.
roadName String no - 2.0 The name of the road in the selected language. It remains empty, if it is not available in the data.
roadNumber String no - 2.0 The road number. The string may consist of several number entries divided by "/". It remains empty, if it is not available in the data.
networkClass NetworkClass (int) yes - 2.0 The network class of the segment.


used by CombinedTransportAttributes, CombinedTransportEvent, ManeuverEvent
since 2.0

The type of the combined transport segment, i.e. how the vehicle is transported.

Enumeration Value Since Description
BOAT 2.0 The combined transport is by boat, i.e. by a ferry. Transport by boat can be avoided or prohibited during route calculation using the parameter CombinedTransport.boatPenalty.
RAIL 2.0 The combined transport is by rail, i.e. on a train. Transport by rail can be avoided or prohibited during route calculation using the parameter CombinedTransport.railPenalty.


used by Feature
since 2.19

The direction of the segment.

Enumeration Value Since Description
POLYLINE_DIRECTION 2.19 Describes the direction from start node to end node with respect to the digitization direction.
REVERSE_POLYLINE_DIRECTION 2.19 Describes the direction from end node to start node with respect to the digitization direction.
BOTH 2.19 Describes both directions.
UNSPECIFIED 2.19 Fallback value to be substituted for enumeration values which were added in an API version that is newer than the request version. When using the current API, this value will never be returned.


used by MapSegment, SegmentsOptions, Segment
since 2.0

The type of a segment.

Enumeration Value Since Description
NETWORK_SEGMENT 2.0 This segment is a network segment.
LINK_SEGMENT 2.0 This segment is a virtual one, but not a network segment. It links the input coordinate to the routing network and does not have SegmentAttributes.
COMBINED_TRANSPORT 2.0 This segment is a combined transport, i.e. the vehicle is carried by some other vehicle such as a boat or a train. The CombinedTransportAttributes are available only for segments of this type.
NOT_DRIVING 2.0 This segment is a virtual one which denotes that the vehicle is not driving. Thus, the segment has distance and travelSpeed 0 and does not have a polyline nor SegmentAttributes.
  • Border crossings which are not a combined transport. Start and end node have the same location but are in different countries. The travelTime equals 0.
  • When the driver is making a break or a rest, during service and other waiting periods. For those waiting segments start and end nodes are equal.

