
XRuntime Operations


Synchronous API

since 2.0
Operation Name Request Type Response Type Since Description
getRuntimeInformation RuntimeInformationRequest RuntimeInformation 2.0 Returns dynamic information about the runtime of this xServer. This SOAP/JSON operation is deprecated. If you rely or plan to rely on this operation make sure you understand the implications of Deprecated features.

getLicenseInformation LicenseInformationRequest LicenseInformation 2.0 Returns license information. This SOAP/JSON operation is deprecated. If you rely or plan to rely on this operation make sure you understand the implications of Deprecated features.

getDataInformation DataInformationRequest DataInformationResponse 2.6 Returns information about the data used by PTV xServer.
getContentUpdateStatus ContentUpdateStatusRequest ContentUpdateStatusResponse (2.4) Returns the status of content update installations provided by the Content Update Service (CUS).
This SOAP/JSON operation is experimental. Before using it, make sure you understand the implications of Experimental features.
triggerContentUpdate ContentUpdateTriggerRequest ContentUpdateTriggerResponse 2.15 Triggers a content update in on demand mode.
getContentUpdateTriggerStatus ContentUpdateTriggerStatusRequest ContentUpdateTriggerStatusResponse 2.15 Gets the trigger status of content updates in on demand mode.
resetMetrics ResetMetricsRequest VoidResponse 2.0 Resets all metrics data. This SOAP/JSON operation is deprecated. If you rely or plan to rely on this operation make sure you understand the implications of Deprecated features.

shutdownServer ShutdownServerRequest VoidResponse 2.0 Triggers a server shut down or restart. This SOAP/JSON operation is deprecated. If you rely or plan to rely on this operation make sure you understand the implications of Deprecated features.

restartModules RestartModulesRequest VoidResponse 2.0 Triggers restart of all module processes. This SOAP/JSON operation is deprecated. If you rely or plan to rely on this operation make sure you understand the implications of Deprecated features.

stopRequest StopDeleteRequest VoidResponse 2.0 Tries to stop a running request.
deleteRequest StopDeleteRequest VoidResponse 2.0 Immediately deletes a running request.
convert ConversionRequest ConversionResponse 2.0 Converts a request or response between SOAP and JSON. This SOAP/JSON operation is deprecated. If you rely or plan to rely on this operation make sure you understand the implications of Deprecated features.

createSupportPackage SupportPackageRequest SupportPackageResponse 2.0 This method creates a support package for a given request and response. A support package contains the request and the response to analyse, current xServer logs, the configuration, profiles and information about the map. If a content snapshot ID is specified, the corresponding content snapshot data is also included in the support package. This SOAP/JSON operation is deprecated. If you rely or plan to rely on this operation make sure you understand the implications of Deprecated features.

getServerConfiguration ServerConfigurationRequest ServerConfigurationResponse 2.0 Returns information on the configuration of the xServer. This SOAP/JSON operation is deprecated. If you rely or plan to rely on this operation make sure you understand the implications of Deprecated features.

getConfigurationFile ConfigurationFileRequest ConfigurationFileResponse 2.0 Returns contents of a configuration file. This SOAP/JSON operation is deprecated. If you rely or plan to rely on this operation make sure you understand the implications of Deprecated features.


Asynchronous API

since 2.17
Operation Name Request Type Response Type Since Description
watchJob WatchRequest Job 2.17

Returns the status of the given job.

stopJob JobRequest Job 2.17

Attempts to stop a running job. If the status of the job changes to SUCCEEDED, preliminary results can be fetched, if available.

deleteJob JobRequest Job 2.17

Attempts to delete a running job. If successful, the returned job will have state DELETED.



URL format: /services/rest/XRuntime/2.36/runtimeInformation
since 2.14

Returns dynamic information about the runtime of this xServer.

This REST operation is deprecated. If you rely or plan to rely on this operation make sure you understand the implications of Deprecated features.

Query Parameter Name Type Default Since Description
versionInformation Boolean false 2.14 Specifies if the RuntimeInformation.versionInformation shall be returned. This query parameter is deprecated. If you rely or plan to rely on this operation make sure you understand the implications of Deprecated features.

serviceInformation Boolean false 2.14 Specifies if the RuntimeInformation.serviceInformation shall be returned. This query parameter is deprecated. If you rely or plan to rely on this operation make sure you understand the implications of Deprecated features.

memoryStatistics Boolean false 2.14 Specifies if the RuntimeInformation.memoryStatistics shall be returned. This query parameter is deprecated. If you rely or plan to rely on this operation make sure you understand the implications of Deprecated features.

environment Boolean false 2.14 Specifies if the RuntimeInformation.environment shall be returned. This query parameter is deprecated. If you rely or plan to rely on this operation make sure you understand the implications of Deprecated features.

moduleInstances Boolean false 2.14 Specifies if the RuntimeInformation.moduleInstances shall be returned. This query parameter is deprecated. If you rely or plan to rely on this operation make sure you understand the implications of Deprecated features.

activeRequests Boolean false 2.14 Specifies if the RuntimeInformation.activeRequests shall be returned. This query parameter is deprecated. If you rely or plan to rely on this operation make sure you understand the implications of Deprecated features.

contentUpdaters Boolean false (2.8) Specifies if the RuntimeInformation.contentUpdaters shall be returned. This query parameter is deprecated. If you rely or plan to rely on this operation make sure you understand the implications of Deprecated features.

This query parameter is experimental. Before using it, make sure you understand the implications of Experimental features.
Response Type Description
RuntimeInformation Response object.
XServerException Default exception for all xServer operations. See subtypes of XServerFault for details.


URL format: /services/rest/XRuntime/2.36/metrics
since 2.0

Returns RuntimeMetrics as a REST service.

This REST operation is deprecated. If you rely or plan to rely on this operation make sure you understand the implications of Deprecated features.

Query Parameter Name Type Default Since Description
service String - 2.0 Return metrics for this service only. This query parameter is deprecated. If you rely or plan to rely on this operation make sure you understand the implications of Deprecated features.

method String - 2.0 Return metrics for this operation only. This query parameter is deprecated. If you rely or plan to rely on this operation make sure you understand the implications of Deprecated features.

Response Type Description
RuntimeMetrics Response object.
XServerException Default exception for all xServer operations. See subtypes of XServerFault for details.


URL format: /services/rest/XRuntime/2.36/dataInformation
since 2.6

Returns information about the data used by PTV xServer as a REST service.

Query Parameter Name Type Default Since Description
returnOnlyLicensedMapFeatures Boolean true 2.14 Specifies if all DataInformationResponse.mapFeatures shall be returned or only the licensed ones.
continents Boolean false 2.14 Specifies if the DataInformationResponse.continents shall be returned.
Response Type Description
DataInformationResponse Response object.
XServerException Default exception for all xServer operations. See subtypes of XServerFault for details.


URL format: /services/rest/XRuntime/experimental/contentUpdate
experimental since 2.8

Returns the status of content update installations provided by the Content Update Service(CUS).

This REST operation is experimental. Before using it, make sure you understand the implications of Experimental features.

Query Parameter Name Type Default Since Description
trafficIncidents Boolean false (2.8) Specifies if the ContentUpdateStatusResponse.trafficIncidents shall be returned.
This query parameter is experimental. Before using it, make sure you understand the implications of Experimental features.
basicTollUpdates Boolean false (2.11) Specifies if the ContentUpdateStatusResponse.basicTollUpdates shall be returned.
This query parameter is experimental. Before using it, make sure you understand the implications of Experimental features.
detailedTollUpdates Boolean false (2.11) Specifies if the ContentUpdateStatusResponse.detailedTollUpdates shall be returned.
This query parameter is experimental. Before using it, make sure you understand the implications of Experimental features.
Response Type Description
ContentUpdateStatusResponse Response object.
This type is experimental. Before using it, make sure you understand the implications of Experimental features.
XServerException Default exception for all xServer operations. See subtypes of XServerFault for details.


URL format: /services/rest/XRuntime/experimental/logs
experimental since 2.6

Returns information about the server's log files.

This REST operation is experimental. Before using it, make sure you understand the implications of Experimental features.

Response Type Description
LogFileInformationResponse Response object.
This type is experimental. Before using it, make sure you understand the implications of Experimental features.
XServerException Default exception for all xServer operations. See subtypes of XServerFault for details.


URL format: /services/rest/XRuntime/experimental/logFile
experimental since 2.6

Returns information the content of a requested logfile.

This REST operation is experimental. Before using it, make sure you understand the implications of Experimental features.

Query Parameter Name Type Default Since Description
fileName FileName (String) - (2.6) Name of a log file.
This query parameter is experimental. Before using it, make sure you understand the implications of Experimental features.
Response Type Description
raw-binary The content of the log file.
XServerException Default exception for all xServer operations. See subtypes of XServerFault for details.


URL format: /services/rest/XRuntime/2.36/profiles
since 2.26

Returns information on the available profiles.

Response Type Description
ProfilesResponse Response object.
XServerException Default exception for all xServer operations. See subtypes of XServerFault for details.


URL format: /services/rest/XRuntime/2.36/icon/{iconReference}
since 2.23

Returns icons as a REST service.

Path Parameter Name Type Since Description
iconReference String 2.23 Specifies the icon reference, e.g. returned in an xMap response Feature.iconReference.
Response Type Description
raw-binary The binary image of an icon.
XServerException Default exception for all xServer operations. See subtypes of XServerFault for details.



extends RequestBase
used by XRuntime
since 2.0

Specifies the configuration file which should be returned.

This type is deprecated. If you rely or plan to rely on this operation make sure you understand the implications of Deprecated features.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
fileName FileName (String) yes - 2.0 Path of the config file within the 'conf' subdirectory.


extends ResponseBase
used by XRuntime
since 2.0

Represents a single configuration file with its name and contents.

This type is deprecated. If you rely or plan to rely on this operation make sure you understand the implications of Deprecated features.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
fileName FileName (String) yes - 2.0 The file name.
contents String yes - 2.0 The file contents.


used by ServerConfigurationRequest
since 2.0

This type specifies what to include in the ServerConfigurationResponse object.

This type is deprecated. If you rely or plan to rely on this operation make sure you understand the implications of Deprecated features.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
profiles Boolean no false 2.0 Should available profiles be included?
configurationFileNames Boolean no false 2.0 Should all configuration file names be included?
thirdPartyLibraries Boolean no false 2.0 Should 3rdParty library information be included?
internalLibraries Boolean no false 2.0 Should internal library information be included?


extends RequestBase
used by XRuntime
experimental since 2.4

Request type for content update status.

This type is experimental. Before using it, make sure you understand the implications of Experimental features.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
resultFields ContentUpdateStatusResultFields no - (2.4) Specified which fields of the ContentUpdateStatusResponse shall be returned.

This field is experimental. Before using it, make sure you understand the implications of Experimental features.


extends ResponseBase
used by XRuntime
experimental since 2.4

Contains status information about different types of data that are updated automaticall by the ContentUpdater.

This type is experimental. Before using it, make sure you understand the implications of Experimental features.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
trafficIncidents TrafficIncidentsUpdate[] 0..* - (2.9) Update status for traffic incidents.

This field is experimental. Before using it, make sure you understand the implications of Experimental features.

basicTollUpdates TollUpdate[] 0..* - (2.11) Update status for toll data with detail level basic.

This field is experimental. Before using it, make sure you understand the implications of Experimental features.

detailedTollUpdates TollUpdate[] 0..* - (2.11) Update status for toll data with detail level detailed.

This field is experimental. Before using it, make sure you understand the implications of Experimental features.


used by ContentUpdateStatusRequest
experimental since 2.4

Specifies which fields of the ContentUpdateStatusResponse shall be returned.

This type is experimental. Before using it, make sure you understand the implications of Experimental features.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
trafficIncidents Boolean no false (2.8) Specifies if updates for ContentUpdateStatusResponse.trafficIncidents shall be returned.

This field is experimental. Before using it, make sure you understand the implications of Experimental features.

basicTollUpdates Boolean no false (2.11) Specifies if ContentUpdateStatusResponse.basicTollUpdates shall be returned.

This field is experimental. Before using it, make sure you understand the implications of Experimental features.

detailedTollUpdates Boolean no false (2.11) Specifies if ContentUpdateStatusResponse.detailedTollUpdates shall be returned.

This field is experimental. Before using it, make sure you understand the implications of Experimental features.


extends RequestBase
used by XRuntime
since 2.15

Specifies the types of content updates that should be triggered.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
trafficIncidents Boolean no false 2.15 Specifies if updates of traffic incidents are triggered if not already running.
basicToll Boolean no false 2.15 Specifies if basic toll updates are triggered if not already running.
detailedToll Boolean no false 2.15 Specifies if detailed toll updates are triggered if not already running.


extends ResponseBase
used by XRuntime
since 2.15

Reports the types of content updates that the request has triggered.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
trafficIncidentsTriggered Boolean no - 2.15 Returns true if and only if the trigger request started traffic incident updates. If traffic incident updates have been already running, false is returned.
basicTollTriggered Boolean no - 2.15 Returns true if and only if the trigger request started basic toll updates. If basic toll updates have been already running, false is returned.
detailedTollTriggered Boolean no - 2.15 Returns true if and only if the trigger request started detailed toll updates. If detailed toll updates have been already running, false is returned.


extends RequestBase
used by XRuntime
since 2.15

Request for getting status information on triggered content updates.

No fields defined.


extends ResponseBase
used by XRuntime
since 2.15

Trigger status of content updates.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
trafficIncidents ContentUpdateTriggerStatus no - 2.15 Trigger status of traffic incidents updates.
basicToll ContentUpdateTriggerStatus no - 2.15 Trigger status of basic toll updates.
detailedToll ContentUpdateTriggerStatus no - 2.15 Trigger status of detailed toll updates.


used by RuntimeInformation
experimental since 2.11

Represents a worker that is responsible for updating a specified type of content.

This type is experimental. Before using it, make sure you understand the implications of Experimental features.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
type ContentUpdateType yes - (2.11) The type of content update that is handled by this updater.

This field is experimental. Before using it, make sure you understand the implications of Experimental features.

failed boolean yes - (2.11) If this updater is in an erroneous state that requires at least a restart of the xServer to recover.

This field is experimental. Before using it, make sure you understand the implications of Experimental features.

lastUpdateReceivedAt XMLGregorianCalendar no - (2.11) Instant of time at which the last update has been downloaded.

This field is experimental. Before using it, make sure you understand the implications of Experimental features.

relevantModules String[] 0..* - (2.11) List of module instances that are updated by this updater. Returns a list of module instance IDs.

This field is experimental. Before using it, make sure you understand the implications of Experimental features.

relevantServices String[] 0..* - (2.11) List of services that are updated by this updater. Returns a list of service names.

This field is experimental. Before using it, make sure you understand the implications of Experimental features.


used by DataInformationResponse
since 2.8

Holds information on the data available for a continent. The assignment of countries and subdivisions to a continent depends on the data provider.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
code CountryCode (String) no - 2.8 The continent code. This code is PTV-specific, e.g. ZZ-EUR for Europe.
countries Country[] 0..* - 2.8 The countries and subdivisions assigned to this continent.


extends RequestBase
used by XRuntime
since 2.0

A request for converting requests and responses from json to soap and vice versa. Optionally, json or soap can be converted to a differing version of service or the source protocol can be kept. Then, json content is converted to json or soap content is converted to soap (matching the serviceVersion).

This type is deprecated. If you rely or plan to rely on this operation make sure you understand the implications of Deprecated features.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
content String yes - 2.0 The request/response given as a string.
isJson boolean yes - 2.0 True if the content is in json format.
isRequest boolean yes - 2.0 Is this a request?
serviceName String yes - 2.0 The name of the used service. For example 'xroute''.
methodName String yes - 2.0 The name of the used method. For example 'calculateRoute'.
serviceVersion String no - 2.1 The version of the service the converted content should match. For example '2.1' or 'experimental' (default: head version).
keepProtocol Boolean no false 2.1 If protocol should be kept, i. e. json content is converted to json, soap content is converted to soap (matching the serviceVersion).


extends ResponseBase
used by XRuntime
since 2.0

Response for ConversionRequests. Holds the converted request/response.

This type is deprecated. If you rely or plan to rely on this operation make sure you understand the implications of Deprecated features.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
content String yes - 2.0 This is the converted request or response.


used by MapDescription
since 2.6

This type holds the text fragments of the copyright text to be displayed on maps.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
basemap String[] 0..* - 2.6 The text fragments for the basemap.
featureLayers FeatureLayerCopyright[] 0..* - 2.6 The text fragments for the Feature Layers. Depending on the visible Feature Layer themes these text fragments have to be added to the copyright text on the map.


used by Continent
since 2.8

Base type for a country with or without subdivisions. Depending on how the data are built up a country can have subdivisions, e.g. a state in the US, or not.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
code CountryCode (String) no - 2.8 The country code.
name String no - 2.31 The name of the country (English).
description RegionDescription no - 2.8 Descriptive information about the country, only available if the country does not have subdivisions.
features RegionFeatures no - 2.8 Lists the features which are available for this country, only available if the country does not have subdivisions.
subdivisions Subdivision[] 0..* - 2.8 The subdivisions available for this country.


used by DataInformationRequest
since 2.8

Configures the content of the data information response.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
returnOnlyLicensedMapFeatures Boolean no true 2.8 Specifies if the returned set of DataInformationResponse.mapFeatures contains all installed items or only the licensed ones.


extends RequestBase
used by XRuntime
since 2.6

Request type for data information.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
dataInformationOptions DataInformationOptions no - 2.8 Options which may influence the content of the corresponding response.
resultFields DataInformationResultFields no - 2.8 Specified which fields of the DataInformationResponse shall be returned.


extends ResponseBase
used by XRuntime
since 2.6

Response type for data information. Contains the information about the installed map.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
mapDescription MapDescription no - 2.6 Descriptive information about the installed map.
mapFeatures MapFeatures no - 2.8 Lists all available map features which are installed with the map, if option DataInformationOptions.returnOnlyLicensedMapFeatures is false, otherwise only the licensed ones are returned.
continents Continent[] 0..* - 2.8 Lists the available data and their features sorted by continent.


used by DataInformationRequest
since 2.8

Specifies which fields of the DataInformationResponse shall be returned.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
continents Boolean no false 2.8 Specifies if the DataInformationResponse.continents shall be returned.


used by RuntimeInformation
since 2.0

Information about the server's runtime environment.

This type is deprecated. If you rely or plan to rely on this operation make sure you understand the implications of Deprecated features.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
operatingSystem String yes - 2.0 The operating system.
cpuArchitecture String yes - 2.0 The architecture of the cpu.
numberOfProcessors PositiveInteger (int) yes - 2.0 The number of core processors.
hostName String yes - 2.0 The host name.


used by Copyright
since 2.6

This type holds the text fragments of the copyright text for a Feature Layer theme.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
themeId ThemeId (String) no - 2.6 The identifier of the theme.
copyright String[] 0..* - 2.6 The text fragments for this theme.


used by MapFeatures
since 2.8

Represents a single Feature Layer theme along with its properties. Country or subdivision specific properties can be found in RegionFeatureLayerTheme.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
themeId ThemeId (String) no - 2.8 The identifier of the theme.
profileProperties String[] 0..* - (2.4) List of all properties of the request profile used by this theme. This list contains all profile properties which can have an effect on the response. Provide all of them in requests in order to get the correct responses.

This field is experimental. Before using it, make sure you understand the implications of Experimental features.

profilePropertyValues ProfilePropertyValues[] 0..* - (2.4) For some profile properties only some special values are supported. This list contains only those with such a restricted value range. As an example, for the theme PTV_PreferredRoutes the parameter VehicleProfile.preferredRouteTypes only those values given in this array will have an effect on the response.

This field is experimental. Before using it, make sure you understand the implications of Experimental features.


used by Gauges
since 2.0

Represents a changing value. For example the size of a queue.

This type is deprecated. If you rely or plan to rely on this operation make sure you understand the implications of Deprecated features.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
value NonNegativeInteger (int) yes - 2.0 The gauge value.


used by RuntimeMetrics
since 2.0

Represents all gauges. Currently this is just the current queue size.

This type is deprecated. If you rely or plan to rely on this operation make sure you understand the implications of Deprecated features.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
queueSize Gauge no - 2.0 The size of the current queue.


used by Histograms
since 2.0

Represents a distributed value. For example the calculation time of a request.

This type is deprecated. If you rely or plan to rely on this operation make sure you understand the implications of Deprecated features.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
size NonNegativeInteger (int) yes - 2.0 Returns the number of values in the histogram.
min long yes - 2.0 Returns the lowest value in the histogram.
max long yes - 2.0 Returns the highest value in the histogram.
mean double yes - 2.0 Returns the arithmetic mean of the values in the histogram.
median double yes - 2.0 Returns the median value in the histogram.
standardDeviation double yes - 2.0 Returns the standard deviation of the values in the histogram.
percentile75 double yes - 2.0 Returns the value at the 75th percentile in the histogram.
percentile95 double yes - 2.0 Returns the value at the 95th percentile in the histogram.
percentile98 double yes - 2.0 Returns the value at the 98th percentile in the histogram.
percentile99 double yes - 2.0 Returns the value at the 99th percentile in the histogram.
percentile999 double yes - 2.0 Returns the value at the 999th percentile in the histogram.


used by RuntimeMetrics
since 2.0

Represents all histograms of a service/method.

This type is deprecated. If you rely or plan to rely on this operation make sure you understand the implications of Deprecated features.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
queuingTime Histogram no - 2.0 The queuing time. How long are requests queued before they are executed.
computationTime Histogram no - 2.0 the computation time of the requests.
overallTime Histogram no - 2.0 The overall running time within the server (Deserialization + Queuing + Computation + Serialization).


used by ServerConfigurationResponse
since 2.0

Represents a 3rd party library used by the xServer.

This type is deprecated. If you rely or plan to rely on this operation make sure you understand the implications of Deprecated features.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
id String yes - 2.0 The library ID.
groupId String yes - 2.0 The group ID.
name String yes - 2.0 The library name.
version String yes - 2.0 The library version.
licenses License[] 0..* - 2.0 The licenses of the library.
url Url (String) no - 2.0 A url to the library, if present.


used by Library
since 2.0

Represents a 3rd party library used by the xServer.

This type is deprecated. If you rely or plan to rely on this operation make sure you understand the implications of Deprecated features.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
name String yes - 2.0 The license name.
url String yes - 2.0 The license url.


extends ResponseBase
used by XRuntime
since 2.0

Provides information on the currently installed license.

This type is deprecated. If you rely or plan to rely on this operation make sure you understand the implications of Deprecated features.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
creationDate XMLGregorianCalendar yes - 2.0 Creation date of the license.
floatingLicense boolean yes - 2.0 True, if this is a floating license.
floatingLicenseServerAddress String no - 2.0 Optional address of the license server.
productName String yes - 2.0 The product name.
licenseHardwareId String no - 2.0 License Hardware ID. Set if the license is bound to a dedicated server.
localHardwareId String yes - 2.0 Harware ID of the local machine.
quantity NonNegativeInteger (int) yes - 2.0 Quantity of licenses. For floating licenses only.
usage NonNegativeInteger (int) yes - 2.0 Current usage of floating license instances.
expireDate XMLGregorianCalendar yes - 2.0 Expire date of this license.
expireDaysRemaining NonNegativeInteger (int) yes - 2.0 Remaining days before this license expires.
customFeatures KeyValuePair[] 0..* - 2.0 Additional custom features of this license.
partnerLicense Boolean no - 2.4 True, if this is a partner license. In this case all requests must be authenticated with a PARTNER_AUTHENTICATION header.
partnerLicenseName String no - 2.4 Name of the partner license.


extends RequestBase
used by XRuntime
since 2.0

Request for getting license information.

This type is deprecated. If you rely or plan to rely on this operation make sure you understand the implications of Deprecated features.

No fields defined.


extends LogFilePath
experimental since 2.6

This type holds file informations of a logfile.

This type is experimental. Before using it, make sure you understand the implications of Experimental features.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
size NonNegativeInteger (Integer) no - (2.6) The size of the logfile in bytes.

This field is experimental. Before using it, make sure you understand the implications of Experimental features.


extends LogFilePath
used by LogFileInformationResponse
experimental since 2.6

This type holds directory informations of the logfile directory.

This type is experimental. Before using it, make sure you understand the implications of Experimental features.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
files LogFilePath[] 0..* - (2.6) The log files or directories of the directory.

This field is experimental. Before using it, make sure you understand the implications of Experimental features.


extends ResponseBase
used by XRuntime
experimental since 2.6

This type holds information about all logfiles.

This type is experimental. Before using it, make sure you understand the implications of Experimental features.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
logFileDirectory LogFileDirectory no - (2.6) The information about all logfiles.

This field is experimental. Before using it, make sure you understand the implications of Experimental features.

LogFilePath (abstract)

extended by LogFile, LogFileDirectory
used by LogFileDirectory
experimental since 2.6

This is the common type for Logfile and LogfileDirectory.

This type is experimental. Before using it, make sure you understand the implications of Experimental features.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
name FileName (String) no - (2.6) The name of the LogfilePath. Either the name of the logfile or the name of the directory.

This field is experimental. Before using it, make sure you understand the implications of Experimental features.

lastModifiedAt XMLGregorianCalendar no - (2.12) The last change of the logfile.

This field is experimental. Before using it, make sure you understand the implications of Experimental features.


used by DataInformationResponse
since 2.6

This type holds meta information on the installed map.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
displayName String no - 2.8 The display name of the map, e.g. PTV Europe City Map Premium 2017.1H.
providerInformation String no - 2.8 Display information on the data providers of the map. This string consists of a comma-separated list of pairs of data provider name and provider version number, e.g. TomTom 2016.12. The string format can be changed at any time, it is for display purposes only. In order to obtain the provider names and data versions separately, use the entity RegionDescription.
detailLevel MapDetailLevel no - 2.8 The detail level of the map. According to this level, some data may not be available.
copyright Copyright no - 2.6 The text fragments of the copyright text to be displayed on maps.
dataCompatibilityVersion PositiveInteger (Integer) no - 2.8 The data compatibility version of the map. An exception is thrown if the stored profile defined in the request doesn't contain the same dataCompatibilityVersion. See Profile & Map Versions for details.


used by DataInformationResponse
since 2.8

The list of features available or licensed for the map. An available feature might not be available for all countries. A feature is available for the map if it is available in at least one country, see RegionFeatures.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
featureLayerThemes FeatureLayerTheme[] 0..* - 2.8 List of the available Feature Layer themes.
directionDescriptionLanguages Language[] 0..* - 2.14 The languages available for the ManeuverEvent.directionDescription of a maneuver.
tollFeatures TollFeatures no - 2.18 Information about the toll features that are supported by the map.


used by ModuleInstance, RuntimeInformation
since 2.0

Represents memory information on Java virtual machine. These values are operating-system dependent and may contain shared memory. High values are not critical as long as the performance does not drop. It may even happen that the total memory consumption of all modules exceeds the available physical memory.

This type is deprecated. If you rely or plan to rely on this operation make sure you understand the implications of Deprecated features.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
memoryUsage Long no - 2.5 Process assignable (private) memory in bytes.
  • Windows: Heap, Stack and Private Data
  • Linux: Resident Set Size (RSS)
committedVirtualMemorySize long yes - 2.0 Returns the amount of virtual memory that is guaranteed to be available to the running process in bytes.
heapCommittedMemorySize long yes - 2.0 Returns the current memory usage of the heap that is available for object allocation.
heapUsedMemorySize long yes - 2.0 Returns the current memory usage of the heap that is used for object allocation.
nonHeapCommittedMemorySize long yes - 2.0 Returns the current memory usage of the non-heap memory that is available for object allocation.
nonHeapUsedMemorySize long yes - 2.0 Returns the current memory usage of the non-heap memory that is used for object allocation.
processCPUTime Nanoseconds (long) yes - 2.0 Used CPU time of this process.


used by Meters
since 2.0

A meter metric which measures mean throughput and one-, five-, and fifteen-minute exponentially-weighted moving average throughputs.

This type is deprecated. If you rely or plan to rely on this operation make sure you understand the implications of Deprecated features.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
count long yes - 2.0 The count.
meanRate double yes - 2.0 Returns the mean rate at which events have occurred since the meter was created.
fifteenMinuteRate double yes - 2.0 Returns the fifteen-minute exponentially-weighted moving average rate at which events have occurred since the meter was created.
fiveMinuteRate double yes - 2.0 Returns the five-minute exponentially-weighted moving average rate at which events have occurred since the meter was created.
oneMinuteRate double yes - 2.0 Returns the one-minute exponentially-weighted moving average rate at which events have occurred since the meter was created.


used by RuntimeMetrics
since 2.0

Represents the meters failedRequests, successfulRequests and rejectedRequests.

This type is deprecated. If you rely or plan to rely on this operation make sure you understand the implications of Deprecated features.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
failedRequests Meter no - 2.0 Meter for all failed requests.
successfulRequests Meter no - 2.0 Meter for all successful requests.
rejectedRequests Meter no - 2.0 Meter for all rejected requests.


used by RuntimeInformation
since 2.0

Represents a single backend instance and provides useful information.

This type is deprecated. If you rely or plan to rely on this operation make sure you understand the implications of Deprecated features.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
instanceId String no - 2.0 Instance ID. Usually m0001, m0002, ...
services String[] 0..* - 2.0 Services provided by this instance.
uptime Nanoseconds (long) yes - 2.0 Uptime of this instance.
numberOfRestarts NonNegativeInteger (int) yes - 2.0 Number of restarts.
inUse boolean yes - 2.0 Is this instance currently in use?
useCounter long yes - 2.0 How often has this instance been used since last restart?
memoryStatistics MemoryStatistics no - 2.0 Memory statistics on this instance.
state String no - 2.3 Current state of this instance, e.g. STARTING, RUNNING, STOPPING, TERMINATED, FAILED.


used by ProfilesResponse, ServerConfigurationResponse
since 2.0

Represents a profile.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
name String yes - 2.0 The profile name. It represents the file name without the extension and can be used with RequestBase.storedProfile for every request.
description String no - 2.0 The profile description. Can be empty if not set in the profile.
useCases String[] 0..* - 2.5 The list of use cases as specified in the profile. If no use cases are set in the profile it is omitted.
displayName String no - 2.6 The display name of the profile. Can be empty if not set in the profile.


used by FeatureLayerTheme, RegionFeatureLayerTheme
experimental since 2.4

Specifies the allowed values for a profile property.

This type is experimental. Before using it, make sure you understand the implications of Experimental features.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
profileProperty String no - (2.4) The profile property in question.

This field is experimental. Before using it, make sure you understand the implications of Experimental features.

values String[] 0..* - (2.4) The allowed values of the property.

This field is experimental. Before using it, make sure you understand the implications of Experimental features.


extends ResponseBase
used by XRuntime
since 2.26

This type holds information on the available profiles.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
profiles ProfileDescription[] 0..* - 2.26 Available profiles ordered by displayName.


used by Country, Subdivision
since 2.8

Description of a country or a subdivision.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
providerName String no - 2.8 The name of the data provider, e.g. TomTom or HERE.
providerDataVersion String no - 2.8 The version number of the data given by the provider. It is not equal to the version number of the PTV map.
detailLevel MapDetailLevel no - 2.8 The detail level of the country or subdivision. According to this level, some data may not be available.


used by RegionFeatures
since 2.8

Represents a single Feature Layer theme reflecting the current state of the country or subdivision. Dynamic Feature Layer themes may be added, updated, or removed at any time. Theme IDs may occur more than once when the theme consists of data from more than one provider. Properties valid for the whole map can be found in FeatureLayerTheme.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
themeId ThemeId (String) no - 2.8 The identifier of the theme.
updatedAutomatically Boolean no - (2.8) If set to true, this Feature Layer theme may be updated automatically by the Content Update Service (CUS). That means that the contents may change at any time, the Feature Layer may even be removed when, for example, no traffic incidents are available for a country or subdivision at night.

This field is experimental. Before using it, make sure you understand the implications of Experimental features.

providerName String no - 2.8 The name of the data provider of this Feature Layer theme if other than the reference provider name. It is not necessary equal to the name of the data provider of the related map data. Especially traffic incidents data may have other sources than the map data provider. If a theme consists of data from more than one provider, there will be multiple instances of this object.
referenceProviderName String no - 2.8 The provider name of the map data this Feature Layer theme is based on. For best results the Feature Layer data should match the routing data of the underlying map, therefore this name usually equals the corresponding RegionDescription.providerName.
referenceProviderDataVersion String no - 2.8 The data version of the map data this Feature Layer theme is based on. For best results the Feature Layer data should match the routing data of the underlying map, therefore this version number usually equals the corresponding RegionDescription.providerDataVersion.
profilePropertyValues ProfilePropertyValues[] 0..* - (2.8) For some profile properties only some special values are supported for this country or subdivision. This list contains only those with such a restricted value range. As an example, for the theme PTV_PreferredRoutes the parameter VehicleProfile.preferredRouteTypes only those values given in this array will have an effect on the response.

This field is experimental. Before using it, make sure you understand the implications of Experimental features.


used by Country, Subdivision
since 2.8

The features available for the country or a subdivision.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
featureLayerThemes RegionFeatureLayerTheme[] 0..* - 2.8 List of the available Feature Layer themes. There may be multiple instances for the same theme ID in this list when they have different data providers.
tollFeatures RegionTollFeatures no - 2.18 Detailed information about the toll features supported for the country or subdivision. Present only if toll data is available.


used by RegionFeatures
since 2.18

Specifies the available toll data for a region.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
detailLevel TollDetailLevel no - 2.18 The toll detail level of the country or subdivision. According to this level, some data and toll features may not be available.
updatedAutomatically Boolean no - (2.11) If set to true, the toll data for corresponding region may be updated automatically by the Content Update Service (CUS).

This field is experimental. Before using it, make sure you understand the implications of Experimental features.

referenceProviderName String no - 2.18 The provider name of the map data this toll data is based on. For best results the data should match the routing data of the underlying map, therefore this name usually equals the corresponding RegionDescription.providerName.
referenceProviderDataVersion String no - 2.18 The data version of the map data this toll data is based on. For best results the data should match the routing data of the underlying map, therefore this version number usually equals the corresponding RegionDescription.providerDataVersion.
electronicTollCollectionSubscriptions String[] 0..* - 2.18 The electronic toll collection subscriptions that are available in the country or subdivision. These values can be set in the vehicle profile as parameter for the toll calculation.
scenarios TollScenario[] 0..* - 2.32 The list of available toll scenarios.


used by RuntimeInformation
since 2.0

Represents a single request that is currently executed or has been executed on this xserver.

This type is deprecated. If you rely or plan to rely on this operation make sure you understand the implications of Deprecated features.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
requestId String yes - 2.0 ID of this request.
serviceName String yes - 2.0 The used service.
methodName String yes - 2.0 The used method.
status JobStatus no - 2.0 Status of this request. For example RUNNING or QUEUED.
requestInformation RequestInformation[] 0..* - 2.0 Additional information. For example progress status.
finished XMLGregorianCalendar no - 2.0 Deprecated: inaccurate type assigned, use finishedAt instead.
finishedAt XMLGregorianCalendar no - 2.12 Instant of time when the request ended.
calculationTime long yes - 2.0 Calculation time of the request.


used by Request
since 2.0

Represents additional request information as key value pairs. Usually this object holds progress information.

This type is deprecated. If you rely or plan to rely on this operation make sure you understand the implications of Deprecated features.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
key String yes - 2.0 The key of this information.
value String yes - 2.0 the value of this information.


extends RequestBase
used by XRuntime
since 2.0

Request for resetting the server's metrics.

This type is deprecated. If you rely or plan to rely on this operation make sure you understand the implications of Deprecated features.

No fields defined.


extends RequestBase
used by XRuntime
since 2.0

Request for restarting the modules.

This type is deprecated. If you rely or plan to rely on this operation make sure you understand the implications of Deprecated features.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
timeout Milliseconds (int) yes - 2.0 The maximal number of milliseconds that is spent waiting for graceful module restarts.


extends ResponseBase
used by XRuntime
since 2.0

Provides information about the server.

This type is deprecated. If you rely or plan to rely on this operation make sure you understand the implications of Deprecated features.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
serviceInformation ServiceInformation[] 0..* - 2.0 Information on active services and methods.
memoryStatistics MemoryStatistics no - 2.0 Statistics on server memory.
versionInformation VersionInformation no - 2.0 Information about the server's versions.
environment Environment no - 2.0 Information about the server's environment (CPU, Cores, ...).
moduleInstances ModuleInstance[] 0..* - 2.0 Information on single module instances.
activeRequests Request[] 0..* - 2.0 Information about the currently running requests.
uptime Nanoseconds (long) yes - 2.0 The server uptime.
clientIsAdmin boolean yes - 2.0 Specifies if the current client has admin privileges.
contentUpdaters ContentUpdater[] 0..* - (2.11) Information on single content updaters.

This field is experimental. Before using it, make sure you understand the implications of Experimental features.


extends RequestBase
used by XRuntime
since 2.0

Specifies the RuntimeInformation that should be returned.

This type is deprecated. If you rely or plan to rely on this operation make sure you understand the implications of Deprecated features.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
resultFields RuntimeResultFields no - 2.0 Specifies which fields of the RuntimeInformation shall be returned.


extends ResponseBase
used by XRuntime
since 2.0

Contains all available runtime metrics.

This type is deprecated. If you rely or plan to rely on this operation make sure you understand the implications of Deprecated features.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
service String no - 2.0 Name of the service.
method String no - 2.0 Name of the method. If specified the provided metrics refer to this method only. If this value is null the the metrics refer to the complete service.
histograms Histograms no - 2.0 The histograms for this service.
meters Meters no - 2.0 the meters for this service.
gauges Gauges no - 2.0 the gauges for this service.


used by RuntimeInformationRequest
since 2.0

This type specifies what to include in the RuntimeInformation object.

This type is deprecated. If you rely or plan to rely on this operation make sure you understand the implications of Deprecated features.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
versionInformation Boolean no false 2.0 If true, version information is returned.
serviceInformation Boolean no false 2.0 If true, information on active services and methods are returned.
memoryStatistics Boolean no false 2.0 If true, memory statistics are included in the result.
environment Boolean no false 2.0 If true, server environment information is included in the result.
moduleInstances Boolean no false 2.0 If true, information on the module instances is included in the result.
activeRequests Boolean no false 2.0 If true, statistics on the currently running requests are included in the result.
contentUpdaters Boolean no false (2.8) If true, information about content updater installers is included in the result.

This field is experimental. Before using it, make sure you understand the implications of Experimental features.


extends RequestBase
used by XRuntime
since 2.0

This request specifies which parts should be included in the ServerConfigurationResponse.

This type is deprecated. If you rely or plan to rely on this operation make sure you understand the implications of Deprecated features.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
resultFields ConfigurationResultFields no - 2.0 Specifies what should be included in the response.


extends ResponseBase
used by XRuntime
since 2.0

This type holds information on the server configuration.

This type is deprecated. If you rely or plan to rely on this operation make sure you understand the implications of Deprecated features.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
version String yes - 2.0 The xServer version.
profiles ProfileDescription[] 0..* - 2.0 Available profiles ordered by displayName.
configFileNames FileName[] (String[]) 0..* - 2.0 A list of all files in the config subdirectory ordered by path. Includes also subdirectories.
used3rdPartyLibraries Library[] 0..* - 2.0 A list of all used 3rdParty libaries.
internalLibraries Library[] 0..* - 2.0 A list of internal PTV components


used by RuntimeInformation
since 2.0

Represents a single service within this server.

This type is deprecated. If you rely or plan to rely on this operation make sure you understand the implications of Deprecated features.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
name String yes - 2.0 Name of this service.
version String yes - 2.0 Version of this service.
supportedVersions String[] 0..* - 2.0 Supported previous versions of this service.
async boolean yes - 2.0 Does this service support asynchronous methods?
licensed boolean yes - 2.0 Is the service licensed?
active boolean yes - 2.0 Is the service currently active?
plugin boolean yes - 2.0 Deprecated: is always false.
methods ServiceMethod[] 0..* - 2.0 List of supported methods.


used by ServiceInformation
since 2.0

Represents a single service method.

This type is deprecated. If you rely or plan to rely on this operation make sure you understand the implications of Deprecated features.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
name String yes - 2.0 The method name.
restful boolean yes - 2.0 True, if this is a rest service.
async boolean yes - 2.0 True, if this service is asynchronous.
fetcherMethodName String no - 2.0 If the method is asynchronous then this is the name of the fetch method.


extends RequestBase
used by XRuntime
since 2.0

Request for shutting down or restarting the server.

This type is deprecated. If you rely or plan to rely on this operation make sure you understand the implications of Deprecated features.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
restart Boolean no false 2.0 Specifies if the server should restart.


extends RequestBase
used by XRuntime
since 2.0

Request for stopping or deleting a request.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
id String yes - 2.0 The request's ID.


used by Country
since 2.8

Holds additional data for a subdivision.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
code CountryCode (String) no - 2.8 The country code including the subdivision code.
name String no - 2.31 The name of the subdivision (English).
description RegionDescription no - 2.8 Descriptive information about the subdivision.
features RegionFeatures no - 2.8 Lists the features which are available for this subdivision.


extends RequestBase
used by XRuntime
since 2.0

Request for creating a support package.

This type is deprecated. If you rely or plan to rely on this operation make sure you understand the implications of Deprecated features.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
request String yes - 2.0 The request given as string.
response String yes - 2.0 The response given as string.
contentSnapshotId String no - (2.9) The ID of the content snapshot to include into the support package. The tenant and scope of the support package request must match the tenant and scope of the specified content snapshot.

This field is experimental. Before using it, make sure you understand the implications of Experimental features.


extends ResponseBase
used by XRuntime
since 2.0

Response for support package requests.

This type is deprecated. If you rely or plan to rely on this operation make sure you understand the implications of Deprecated features.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
url Url (String) yes - 2.0 This is the url where the support package can be downloaded from.


used by MapFeatures
since 2.18

Specifies the available toll features for a map.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
detailLevel TollDetailLevel no - 2.18 The toll detail level of the map. According to this level, some data and toll features may not be available.
electronicTollCollectionSubscriptions String[] 0..* - 2.18 The electronic toll collection subscriptions that are available in the map. These values can be set in the vehicle profile as parameter for the toll calculation.
profileProperties String[] 0..* - (2.9) List of all properties of the request profile used by toll calculation with detail level detailed. This list contains all profile properties which can have an effect on the response. Provide all of them in requests in order to get the correct responses. For detail level basic see the API documentation of the vehicle profile which parameters can have an effect on the toll calculation.

This field is experimental. Before using it, make sure you understand the implications of Experimental features.


used by RegionTollFeatures
since 2.32

Represents a single toll scenario.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
id NonNegativeInteger (Integer) no - 2.32 The identifier of the scenario.
systems TollSystem[] 0..* - 2.32 The list of all toll systems in this scenario.


used by ContentUpdateStatusResponse
experimental since 2.8

Represents a toll update specified by country of continent code, version and creation time.

This type is experimental. Before using it, make sure you understand the implications of Experimental features.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
code CountryCode (String) yes - (2.8) The code of the continent, country or subdivision this update applies for.

This field is experimental. Before using it, make sure you understand the implications of Experimental features.

description String no - (2.11) Descriptive information about this toll update. Returns the update number or the scenario ID for this toll update with detail level basic or detailed, respectively.

This field is experimental. Before using it, make sure you understand the implications of Experimental features.

receivedAt XMLGregorianCalendar yes - (2.8) Instant of time at which this update has been downloaded.

This field is experimental. Before using it, make sure you understand the implications of Experimental features.

createdAt XMLGregorianCalendar yes - (2.8) Creation time of this update.

This field is experimental. Before using it, make sure you understand the implications of Experimental features.

usedBy String[] 0..* - (2.8) List of module instances that have this update installed. Returns a list of module instance IDs.

This field is experimental. Before using it, make sure you understand the implications of Experimental features.


used by ContentUpdateStatusResponse
experimental since 2.9

Describes an update for traffic incidents data specified by country and creation time.

This type is experimental. Before using it, make sure you understand the implications of Experimental features.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
code CountryCode (String) yes - (2.9) The code of the country or subdivision this update applies for.

This field is experimental. Before using it, make sure you understand the implications of Experimental features.

providerName String yes - (2.9) The name of the data provider. In most cases, this is 'tomtom' but there may be some custom layers with different provider names.

This field is experimental. Before using it, make sure you understand the implications of Experimental features.

receivedAt XMLGregorianCalendar yes - (2.9) Instant of time at which the update has been downloaded.

This field is experimental. Before using it, make sure you understand the implications of Experimental features.

createdAt XMLGregorianCalendar yes - (2.9) Creation time of the update.

This field is experimental. Before using it, make sure you understand the implications of Experimental features.

usedBy String[] 0..* - (2.9) List of module instances that have this update installed. Returns a list of module instance IDs.

This field is experimental. Before using it, make sure you understand the implications of Experimental features.


used by RuntimeInformation
since 2.0

Information about the server's versions.

This type is deprecated. If you rely or plan to rely on this operation make sure you understand the implications of Deprecated features.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
releaseVersion String yes - 2.0 The release version.
buildNumber String yes - 2.0 The build number.
apiVersion String yes - 2.0 The API version.


used by ContentUpdateTriggerStatusResponse
since 2.15

Describes the status of content updates for a specified type of content updates in on demand mode.

Enumeration Value Since Description
DISABLED 2.15 Specified type of content updates are not configured. They cannot be triggered without changing the xServer configuration.
NEVER_TRIGGERED 2.15 Specified type of content updates are enabled and can be triggered.
RUNNING 2.15 Specified type of content updates are enabled and an update is in progress.
FAILED 2.15 Specified type of content updates are enabled but failed during last update.
SUCCESSFUL 2.15 Specified type of content updates are enabled and the last update was successful.


used by ContentUpdater
experimental since 2.11

Classification of content updates.

This enumeration is experimental. Before using it, make sure you understand the implications of Experimental features.

Enumeration Value Since Description
TRAFFIC_INCIDENTS (2.11) Feature layer update containing traffic incidents.
This enumeration value is experimental. Before using it, make sure you understand the implications of Experimental features.
BASIC_TOLL (2.11) Toll update with detail level basic.
This enumeration value is experimental. Before using it, make sure you understand the implications of Experimental features.
DETAILED_TOLL (2.11) Toll update with detail level detailed.
This enumeration value is experimental. Before using it, make sure you understand the implications of Experimental features.
UNSPECIFIED (2.11) Fallback value to be substituted for enumeration values which were added in an API version that is newer than the request version. When using the current API, this value will never be returned.
This fallback value is experimental. Before using it, make sure you understand the implications of Experimental features.


used by MapDescription, RegionDescription
since 2.8

Specifies the detail level of a map.

Enumeration Value Since Description
DETAILED 2.8 Full map coverage and functionality according to PTVs current state of technology and coverage status by the data supplier.
EXTRACTED 2.8 Thinned out street network (less important streets are omitted), full town coverage and search functionality, street and house number search are not possible.
TRANSIT 2.8 Only major road network, reduced town coverage, street and house number search are not possible, town search is only possible for included towns.
MIXED 2.8 The map is composed of countries at different detail levels. Only used for the complete map, not for a country or a subdivision.
UNSPECIFIED 2.8 The detail level is unknown. This is probably the case when the map version is newer than the xServer version and contains unsupported data.


used by RegionTollFeatures, TollFeatures
since 2.18

Specifies the detail level for toll features.

Enumeration Value Since Description
BASIC 2.18 Only basic toll summaries for a route and its legs are supported, as well as the Toll.tollPenalty to avoid or prefer toll roads. Not supported is the detailed toll information for a route including toll costs and toll systems, and the toll events. Rendering of toll roads is also not supported.
DETAILED 2.18 Detailed toll information is supported: besides the toll summaries also detailed information about the toll costs, toll systems, and toll events along the route are supported. The Toll.tollPenalty to avoid or prefer toll roads supports vehicle dependency. Rendering of toll roads is supported as well.
MIXED 2.18 The map is composed of countries at different detail levels. Only used for the complete map, not for a country or a subdivision.
UNSPECIFIED 2.18 The detail level is unknown. This is probably the case when the map version is newer than the xServer version and contains unsupported data.


Operations Overview

Runtime Information


Data Information

Content Update Status

Content Update On Demand

Server Data

Server Service

Runtime Metrics