
The routingprofile namespace contains the RoutingProfile type which is part of the main profile.



used by Course
since 2.0

Defines the parameters concerning combined transport like the truck being carried by boat or by rail.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
boatPenalty Penalty (Integer) no 100 2.0 The penalty for each combined transport segment of type boat.

Categories: highPerformanceRouting

railPenalty Penalty (Integer) no 100 2.0 The penalty for each combined transport segment of type rail.

Categories: highPerformanceRouting


used by RoutingProfile
since 2.0

Defines the parameters of the routing algorithm that control the course of the route.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
violations Violations no - 2.0 Defines the parameters that control whether road restrictions can be violated. See the technical concept for details.
network Network no - 2.0 Defines the parameters that concern network specific segment attributes, e.g. penalties for road segments of a certain network class.
toll Toll no - 2.0 Defines the parameters for toll specific segment attributes, e.g. penalty of toll segments, etc.
specialAreas SpecialAreas no - 2.0 Defines the parameters concerning the special areas, such as urban segments, low emission zones, etc.
combinedTransport CombinedTransport no - 2.0 Defines the parameters concerning combined transport like the truck being carried by boat or by rail.
maneuver Maneuver no - 2.0 Defines the parameters that control how special maneuvers (turns) affect the route calculation.
distanceTimeWeighting Percent (Double) no 90.0 2.0 The weight factor for route travel time. The distance enters the basic cost term with a weight of 100 - distanceTimeWeighting. Hence, with a value of 100, only travel time is optimized, while with a value of 0 only the distance of the route is optimized.

Categories: highPerformanceRouting


used by SearchSpace
since 2.0

Defines a heuristic search space reduction by network class. For more information about network classes see the type of the segment attribute network class.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
minimumDistancesFromWaypoint MinimumDistancesFromWaypoint[] (String[]) 8..8 - 2.0 An approximate minimum distance from each waypoint for each of the eight network classes. The routing algorithm can exclude a road segment of the corresponding network class if the distance from each waypoint is larger than the given minimum distance. The 0-based index into this array corresponds to the network class segment attribute. Default values: UNBOUNDED,UNBOUNDED,UNBOUNDED,200,20,10,10,10.


used by Maneuver
since 2.22

Defines the cost of every turn for all kinds of intersection with a turn strategy.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
turnStrategy TurnStrategy no TurnStrategy.NONE 2.22 Defines the turn strategy to adopt

Categories: highPerformanceRouting

customTurnStrategy EncodedContent (String) no - 2.22 Defines a specific turn strategy configuration in an encoded form.

Categories: highPerformanceRouting


used by RoutingProfile
since 2.0

Defines the behavior of linking a route location to the road network. For example, finding the road segment with the smallest distance to the route location.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
maximumDistanceToSegment Distance (Double) no 50000.0 2.0 The maximum distance to search for a road segment to link to.
minimumNetworkClass NetworkClass (Integer) no 0 2.14 Link only to roads that have a network class bigger or equal the minimumNetworkClass.
maximumNetworkClass NetworkClass (Integer) no 7 2.14 Link only to roads that have a network class lower or equal the maximumNetworkClass.


used by Course
since 2.0

Defines the parameters that control how special maneuvers (turns) affect the route calculation.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
uTurnCost MathematicalCost (Integer) no 5000 2.0 The additional cost for U-turns when the routing type CONVENTIONAL is used. Because of turning bans in the road network U-turns have to be considered. However, the U-turn is usually not the best alternative: in most cases it is better to accept a short detour instead (e.g. drive around the block). With the parameter uTurnCost the trade-off between U-turn and detour can be adjusted.
highPerformanceRoutingUTurnCost MathematicalCost (Integer) no 500 2.8 The additional cost for U-turns when the routing type HIGH_PERFORMANCE_ROUTING is used. The value of this paramer is used for the creation of high-performance routing networks and their selection for uses in xdima or xroute. For conventional routing the default uTurnCost is 5000, however for high-performance routing we recommend a uTurnCost of 500, hence the additional parameter to use the default values for conventional routing and high-performance routing seamlessly.

Categories: highPerformanceRouting

considerTurningBans Boolean no true 2.0 The consideration of turning bans.

Categories: highPerformanceRouting

useFastTurningBanHeuristic Boolean no true 2.14 The fast turning ban heuristic is used by default. This heuristic can cause in rare cases suboptimal routes because then driving in both directions of roads is not always considered by the algorithm. Switching off the heuristic by setting this attribute to false yields better routes but can increase the runtime of the routing algorithm.
intersectionTurnCosts IntersectionTurnCosts no - 2.22 The additional cost for all kinds of intersection


used by Course
since 2.0

Defines the parameters that concern network specific segment attributes, e.g. penalties for road segments of a certain network class.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
penaltiesByNetworkClass PenaltiesByNetworkClass no - 2.0 Defines the general penalty value for each network class. This is useful in order to force the routing algorithm to favor freeways over smaller roads. For more information about network classes see the type of the segment attribute network class.
rampPenalty Penalty (Integer) no 10 2.0 The penalty for each segment that is marked as a ramp. This setting affects segments which have set RoadAttributes.ramp.

Categories: highPerformanceRouting


used by Network
since 2.0

Defines the general penalty value for each network class. This is useful in order to force the routing algorithm to favor freeways over smaller roads. For more information about network classes see the type of the segment attribute network class.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
penalties Penalty[] (Integer[]) 8..8 - 2.0 The array of penalties for each network class. The 0-based index into this array corresponds to the network class segment attribute. Default values: 0,0,0,0,15,50,100,100.

Categories: highPerformanceRouting


used by RequestProfile, ProfileResponse
since 2.0

Defines the routing parameters.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
linking Linking no - 2.0 Defines the behavior of linking a route location to the road network. For example, finding the road segment with the smallest distance to the route location.
searchSpace SearchSpace no - 2.0 Defines the behavior of heuristics for search space reduction. The search space is the part of the routing graph that is explored to answer a route request and thus has a direct impact on the routing performance and quality.
course Course no - 2.0 Defines the parameters of the routing algorithm that control the course of the route.


used by RoutingProfile
since 2.0

Defines the behavior of heuristics for search space reduction. The search space is the part of the routing graph that is explored to answer a route request and thus has a direct impact on the routing performance and quality.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
excludeByNetworkClass ExcludeByNetworkClass no - 2.0 Defines a heuristic search space reduction by network class. For more information about network classes see the type of the segment attribute network class.
heuristicAggressiveness Percent (Double) no 66.0 2.0 The aggressiveness of heuristic search space optimization. The aggressiveness represents the trade-off between the quality of the solution and the performance of the route calculation. A value of 0% disables the heuristic search space optimization and guarantees a mathematically optimal route, whereas with a value of 100% the heuristic is very aggressive and the probability to get a route that is not optimal is high. Note that the search space reduction defined in ExcludeByNetworkClass is not affected by the heuristicAggressiveness.


used by Course
since 2.0

Defines the parameters concerning the special areas, such as urban segments, low emission zones, etc.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
residentsOnlyPenalty Penalty (Integer) no 2500 2.0 The penalty for each segment within a residents only area. This setting affects segments which have set RoadAttributes.residentsOnly.

Categories: highPerformanceRouting

urbanPenalty Penalty (Integer) no 0 2.0 The penalty for urban segments. A segment is treated as "urban" if the corresponding segment attribute is set and the network class is larger than or equal to minimumUrbanNetworkClass. This setting affects segments which have set RoadAttributes.urban.

Categories: highPerformanceRouting

minimumUrbanNetworkClass NetworkClass (Integer) no 2 2.0 The minimum allowed urban network class

Categories: highPerformanceRouting

forbiddenLowEmissionZonePenalty Penalty (Integer) no 2501 2.0 The penalty for segments that are forbidden for the current Engine.lowEmissionZoneTypes of the vehicle. This setting affects segments which do not match RoadAttributes.lowEmissionZoneType.

Categories: highPerformanceRouting

deliveryOnlyPenalty Penalty (Integer) no 2500 2.0 The penalty for delivery only segments that are allowed because LegalCondition.isDelivery is enabled. This setting affects segments which have set RoadAttributes.deliveryOnly.

Categories: highPerformanceRouting

deliveryOnlyGateCost MathematicalCost (Integer) no 150000 2.0 The routing cost for gates that have are allowed to pass because LegalCondition.isDelivery is enabled. In contrast to a prohibited segment a gate is located at a specific point of the road network and passing through that point is prohibited by the gate.

Categories: highPerformanceRouting

seasonalClosurePenalty Penalty (Integer) no 0 2.31 The penalty for segments that are seasonally closed like mountain passes. This setting affects segments which have set RoadAttributes.seasonallyClosed.
  • The penalty is applied on the basis of the standard map segment property which doesn't include any information on the date and duration of the closure. When this penalty is set, it is also applied when the reference time of the route calculation is outside of the time period of the seasonal closure.
  • The Feature Layer PTV_TruckAttributes may also contain seasonal closures. There, time domains for when the closure is active are attached.

Categories: highPerformanceRouting


used by Course
since 2.0

Defines the parameters for toll specific segment attributes, e.g. penalty of toll segments, etc.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
tollPenalty Penalty (Integer) no 0 2.0 The penalty for each segment for which the current vehicle has to pay toll. This penalty is applied for roads with usage-dependent payment. It is not applied for roads which require a vignette.

Categories: highPerformanceRouting


used by Course
since 2.0

Defines the parameters that control whether road restrictions can be violated. See the technical concept for details.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
enabled Boolean no true 2.0 Enables violations of road blocks.

Categories: highPerformanceRouting

cost MathematicalCost (Integer) no 150000 2.0 Deprecated: This value will ignored, it is sufficient to enable violations. If this parameter is set to a value different from the default of 150000, a DeprecatedParameterLimitation is returned with the response.

Categories: highPerformanceRouting



used by IntersectionTurnCosts
since 2.22

Enumeration to define the turn strategy

Enumeration Value Since Description
NONE 2.22 No additional cost is applied.
PREFER_PASSENGER_SIDE_TURNS 2.22 Additional costs are applied on driver side turns.
CUSTOM 2.22 Custom costs are applied.


Routing Profile