
Contains types for the rendering profile.



used by StrokeStyle
since 2.10

Defines how to render arrows on top of the underlying stroke. The width of the arrows is automatically adapted to the width of the stroke.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
drawStroke Boolean no false 2.10 Enables the visibility of the stroke, i.e. the edge, of the arrows.
drawFill Boolean no false 2.10 Enables the visibility of the fill of the arrows.
strokeColor Color (String) no #ffffff 2.10 The RGB color of the stroke of the arrows as a decimal or hexadecimal value.
fillColor Color (String) no #ffffff 2.10 The RGB color of the fill of the arrows as a decimal or hexadecimal value.
strokeOpacity Percent (Double) no 100.0 2.10 The opacity of the stroke of the arrows in [%]. 100 represents opaque, 0 represents completely transparent.
fillOpacity Percent (Double) no 100.0 2.10 The opacity of the fill of the arrows in [%]. 100 represents opaque, 0 represents completely transparent.


used by RenderingProfile
since 2.10

Defines a map style for a specific country, a set of countries, or for all countries.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
featureLayerThemes FeatureLayerThemeStyle[] 0..* - 2.10 Defines styles for data of a Feature Layer theme in the corresponding set of countries.
countryCodes CountryList (String) yes - 2.10 Defines the countries to which a style is assigned. The value can contain a single country, a comma separated list of countries, a continent code or a comma separated list of continent codes. The value "*" defines "every country. See country codes."


used by CountryStyle
since 2.10

Defines styles for data of a Feature Layer theme in the corresponding set of countries.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
defaultIcons IconStyle[] 0..* - 2.10 Defines the default icon which is drawn if no other icon is specified through a style. It is possible to define different icons for different zoom levels.
groupIcons IconStyle[] 0..* - 2.10 Defines how to render the group icon. The group icon is used if multiple icons are concentrated into a single icon due to lack of rendering space. It is possible to define different icons for different zoom levels.
labelingConflictResolution LabelingConflictResolution no - 2.10 Defines the behavior when labels or icons overlap. In order to avoid overlapping with labels already drawn they can be displaced so that they do not overlap, anymore. This means that labels already drawn will not be repositioned but stay where they are.
timeDependencyStyle TimeDependencyStyle no - 2.10 Defines how to modify the style of restricted features, e.g. time-dependent features or those not relevant by time.
styles RenderingStyle[] 0..* - 2.10 Defines the styles for the objects of the current Feature Layer theme.
id ThemeId (String) yes - 2.10 The ID of the Feature Layer theme.


used by PolygonStyle
since 2.10

Defines how to fill the polygons.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
hatch HatchStyle no - 2.10 Defines how to render polygons with a hatch pattern. If you use the Leaflet toolkit together with a hatch configuration for Feature Layers, it works only with image standard sizes like 128x128, 256 x 256, 512x512 or 1024x1024. If you use other images sizes you will get a hatch displacement at the image border.
visible Boolean no true 2.10 Controls the visibility of the fill.
color Color (String) no #ffffff 2.10 The RGB color of the fill of the geometry.
opacity Percent (Double) no 100.0 2.10 The opacity of the fill of the geometry in [%]. 100 represents opaque, 0 represents completely transparent.


used by RenderingStyle
since 2.10

Defines how to render geometries.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
renderLevel RenderLevel no - 2.10 Defines the level on which the geometry is rendered, i.e. on top or below what other objects.
stroke StrokeStyle no - 2.10 Defines how to render the stroke of the Geometry.
polygon PolygonStyle no - 2.10 Defines how to render the polygons.
displayRange ZoomLevelRange (String) no NEVER 2.10 The zoom range in which the specified style should be applied.


used by FillStyle
since 2.10

Defines how to render polygons with a hatch pattern. If you use the Leaflet toolkit together with a hatch configuration for Feature Layers, it works only with image standard sizes like 128x128, 256 x 256, 512x512 or 1024x1024. If you use other images sizes you will get a hatch displacement at the image border.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
color Color (String) no #ffffff 2.10 The RGB color of the hatch.
type HatchType no HatchType.LEFT_IN ... 2.10 The hatch type.


used by IconStyle
since 2.10

Defines the anchor point of the icon in pixels, i.e. the position of the icon which is placed on the geographical reference point on the map. If this field is specified, the alignment is ignored. It's also allowed to define an anchor point which is outside of the icon itself by using negative values. The minimal allowed values are (-16,-16) The maximum values are (66, 66) due to the maximum icon size of (50, 50)

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
x AnchorX (int) yes - 2.10 The x-coordinate of the anchor point in pixels.
y AnchorY (int) yes - 2.10 The y-coordinate of the anchor point in pixels.


used by FeatureLayerThemeStyle, RenderingStyle
since 2.10

Defines how to render the icon (e.g. a feature label).

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
renderLevel RenderLevel no - 2.10 Defines the level on which the icon is rendered, i.e. on top or below what other objects.
anchor IconAnchor no - 2.10 Defines the anchor point of the icon in pixels, i.e. the position of the icon which is placed on the geographical reference point on the map. If this field is specified, the alignment is ignored. It's also allowed to define an anchor point which is outside of the icon itself by using negative values. The minimal allowed values are (-16,-16) The maximum values are (66, 66) due to the maximum icon size of (50, 50)
alignment Alignment no Alignment.CENTER 2.10 The alignment of the icon. The specified position within the icon is placed at its geographic reference point on the map. This setting can be overridden by specifying an anchor point.
url Url (String) no default.png 2.10 The relative or absolute url of the icon. A relative url refers to the configured icon folder. An absolute url must be an http url in order to download the icon from another server. If this represents a file name relative to the configured bitmap path, it must be encoded, i.e. special characters such as white spaces must be represented by %20. It is recommended to use only alphanumeric characters. If the icon exceeds the maximum height or width of 50 pixels, the default icon is rendered instead.
displayRange ZoomLevelRange (String) no NEVER 2.10 The zoom range in which the specified style should be applied.


used by FeatureLayerThemeStyle
since 2.10

Defines the behavior when labels or icons overlap. In order to avoid overlapping with labels already drawn they can be displaced so that they do not overlap, anymore. This means that labels already drawn will not be repositioned but stay where they are.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
scope Scope no Scope.ALL 2.10 Defines the scope of the overlapping resolution.
forceDisplay Boolean no true 2.10 If the label cannot be drawn without overlapping another label, it will be drawn at its reference point if forceDisplay is true. Otherwise it will not be drawn.


used by GeometryStyle
since 2.10

Defines how to render a polygon.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
stroke StrokeStyle no - 2.10 Defines how to render the stroke, i.e. the edge, of the polygon.
fill FillStyle no - 2.10 Defines how to fill the polygons.


used by RenderingStyle
since 2.10

Defines the ranges of the display class values for which this style shall apply. Ranges must not be overlapping, that means the 'to' value of the lower range has to be smaller than the 'from' value of the higher range. For example 0-50 and 51-100. If empty, the style applies to all values. It is possible to specity both a style with a range (e.g. 0-50) and another one without a range. Values 0-50 will then apply to the style with the range, all others to the one without the range.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
from int yes - 2.10 The start value of the integer range.
to Integer no - 2.10 The end value of the integer range. Must be greater or equal to 'from'. Can be omitted to specify a range consisting only of the 'from' value.


used by GeometryStyle, IconStyle
since 2.10

Defines the level on which the icon is rendered, i.e. on top or below what other objects.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
renderBase RenderBase no RenderBase.TOP 2.10 The base is a level in the basemap to which the object in question can be drawn relative to. The render base values do not overlap, e.g. TRANSPORT + x does not overlap TOP - y. It is recommended to use TRANSPORT for displaying lines and TOP for icons.
renderOffset RenderOffset (String) no +1 2.10 The render offsets of all objects having the same render base define the order in which the objects are drawn and thus may overlap each other.


used by RequestProfile
since 2.10

Defines parameters for rendering features to the map.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
countryStyles CountryStyle[] 0..* - 2.10 Defines a map style for a specific country, a set of countries, or for all countries.


used by FeatureLayerThemeStyle
since 2.10

Defines the style for a class of objects of a Feature Layer theme. The class of objects is defined by specifying displayClass, ranges, timeRestriction, and roadTypes.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
ranges Range[] 0..* - 2.10 Defines the ranges of the display class values for which this style shall apply. Ranges must not be overlapping, that means the 'to' value of the lower range has to be smaller than the 'from' value of the higher range. For example 0-50 and 51-100. If empty, the style applies to all values. It is possible to specity both a style with a range (e.g. 0-50) and another one without a range. Values 0-50 will then apply to the style with the range, all others to the one without the range.
roadTypes RoadType[] 0..* - 2.10 Defines the road types for which this style shall apply. If empty, the style applies to all road types..
geometries GeometryStyle[] 0..* - 2.10 Defines how to render geometries.
icons IconStyle[] 0..* - 2.10 Defines how to render icons.
displayClass String yes - 2.10 The display class of the corresponding Feature Layer theme for which this style shall apply. The list of available display classes can be found in the documentation of the Feature Layer theme. Use '*' to specify the fallback style which is used if there is no style defined for a display class.
timeRestriction TimeRestriction no TimeRestriction.ALL 2.10 The time restriction for which this style shall apply.


used by GeometryStyle, PolygonStyle
since 2.10

Defines how to render the stroke of a feature.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
arrows ArrowsStyle no - 2.10 Defines how to render arrows on top of the underlying stroke. The width of the arrows is automatically adapted to the width of the stroke.
perpendicularOffset RenderingSize (String) no 0% 2.10 The perpendicular offset relative to the related road. This way it is possible to mark a road by drawing a line next to it.
visible Boolean no true 2.10 Controls the visibility of the stroke.
width RenderingSize (String) no 3px 2.10 The width of a stroke. As an example, 150% width for a line geometry to be rendered on a road results in a line that is 50% wider than the road. Percent values can only be specified for road-based objects. For other objects, use pixel values.
color Color (String) no #000000 2.10 The color of the object.
opacity Percent (Double) no 100.0 2.10 The opacity in [%]. 100 represents opaque, 0 represents completely transparent.


used by FeatureLayerThemeStyle
since 2.10

Defines how to modify the style of restricted features, e.g. time-dependent features or those not relevant by time.

Field Name Type Required Default Since Description
iconsWithClock Boolean no false 2.10 If true, a small clock is added to the bottom right corner of every icon representing a time-dependent feature, i.e. a feature which is not valid 24/7 but only for a specific time period, e.g. at night or on Sundays. Use this in order to distinguish time-dependent from time-independent features within one Feature Layer theme.
strokesDashed Boolean no false 2.10 If true, a stroke representing a time-dependent feature is drawn dashed instead of solid. Use this in order to distinguish time-dependent from time-independent features within one Feature Layer theme.
irrelevantIconsGrayed Boolean no false 2.10 If true, the icon of a feature which is not valid for the given time-consideration scenario will be drawn in gray. E.g. when requesting time-consideration scenario 'snapshot' at 3 p.m., features valid only at night are displayed with a gray icon. Please make sure to use colored icons when using this feature. Use this to distinguish relevant features from those not relevant for the selected time-consideration scenario.
irrelevantStrokesGrayed Boolean no false 2.10 If true, the stroke of a feature which is not valid for the given time-consideration scenario will be drawn in gray. Please make sure to use colored strokes when using this feature. Use this to distinguish relevant features from those not relevant for the selected time-consideration scenario.
irrelevantPolygonsGrayed Boolean no false 2.10 If true, the polygon of a feature which is not valid for the given time-consideration scenario will be drawn in gray and hatched. Please make sure to use colored polygons when using this feature. Use this to distinguish relevant features from those not relevant for the selected time-consideration scenario.


used by IconStyle
since 2.10

Defines the alignment of a label, i.e. the position of the label which matches its geographic reference point.

Enumeration Value Since Description
TOP_LEFT 2.10 The top left corner of the label.
TOP_CENTER 2.10 The center of the top border of the label.
TOP_RIGHT 2.10 The top right corner of the label.
LEFT_CENTER 2.10 The center of the left border of the label.
CENTER 2.10 The center of the label.
RIGHT_CENTER 2.10 The center of the right border of the label.
BOTTOM_LEFT 2.10 The bottom left corner of the label.
BOTTOM_CENTER 2.10 The center of the bottom border of the label.
BOTTOM_RIGHT 2.10 The bottom right corner of the label.


used by HatchStyle
since 2.10

A type of hatch to fill a geometry.

Enumeration Value Since Description
LEFT_INCLINED 2.10 Hatch pattern inclined from top left to bottom right.
RIGHT_INCLINED 2.10 Hatch pattern inclined from top right to bottom left.
VERTICAL 2.10 Vertical hatch pattern.
HORIZONTAL 2.10 Horizontal hatch pattern.


used by RenderLevel
since 2.10

Defines the base values for render levels objects can be drawn relative to.

Enumeration Value Since Description
TOP 2.10 Objects are drawn on top of the map. Nevertheless, several objects with value TOP can be ordered by choosing different renderOffset values.
TRANSPORT 2.10 Objects are drawn relvative to the transport layer, i.e. roads, railways, etc..


used by RenderingStyle
since 2.10

Defines the road types present in Feature Layer data..

Enumeration Value Since Description
MOTORWAY_FREEWAY 2.10 Valid for motorways.
DUAL_CARRIAGE_HIGHWAY 2.10 Valid for dual highways.
SINGLE_CARRIAGE_HIGHWAY 2.10 Valid for single highways.
LOCAL_MAJOR_ROAD 2.10 Valid for local major roads.
LOCAL_MINOR_ROAD 2.10 Valid for local minor roads.
URBAN_ROAD 2.10 Valid for urban roads.
PEDESTRIAN_ZONE 2.10 Valid for pedestrian ways.
FORESTROADS_AND_WALKWAYS 2.10 Valid for forest roads and walkways.


used by LabelingConflictResolution
since 2.10

Defines which labels are taken into account to resolve overlapping.

Enumeration Value Since Description
ALL 2.10 Labels of this theme shall not overlap any other label including those of the basemap, e.g. road or town names or road signs.
FEATURE_LAYER_LABELS 2.10 Labels of this theme shall not overlap other labels of this or any other theme, but they may overlap labels of the basemap.


used by RenderingStyle
since 2.10

Defines the kinds of time restrictions present in Feature Layer data.

Enumeration Value Since Description
ALL 2.10 All elements will be taken into account.
UNRESTRICTED 2.10 Only elements without a restriction in validity will be taken into account.
RESTRICTED 2.10 Only elements with a restriction in validity will be taken into account.


Rendering Profile